Parent Tips and Resources

Parenting Books Available For Checkout
Brain Rules 12 Principles for Surviving, Thriving at Work, Home and School
By John Medina  (This book is a pleasant read, but packed full of useful information based on the most current brain research.  It has helpful ideas for understanding how to maximize your brain’s capacity)
Overcoming Dyslexia A new and complete science-based program for reading problems at any level   By Sally Shaywitz MD.
(This is a great book for understanding  the latest information on reading problems and includes proven techniques for helping.  It also helps define and understand dyslexia and gives practical suggestions)
Parenting with Love and Logic Teaching Children Responsibility   By Foster Cline, M.D. and Jim Fay   (This popular book outlines effective parenting without the power struggles.  The techniques allow a parent to deal with parenting situations with calm and purposeful solutions)
Raising and Responsible Child   Practical steps to successful Family Relationships  By Dr. Don Dinkmeyer and Dr. Gary D. McKay     (This great book helps parents parent for the future not for immediate results.  It supplies basic rules such as “Avoid performing tasks a child can do for himself”, and practical ideas on how to make it happen.)
The Difficult Child  By Stanley Turecki M. D.   ( This book is very helpful when trying to parent the child who is more of everything,…. more emotional, more angry, more shy, more clingy, more defiant.  This is for the child in your family that the parenting techniques that worked on your other children successfully just don’t work the same with this child)
No Contest The case Against Competition  by Alfie Kohn  ( Have you ever questioned the old traditional idea that healthy competition can only help a child?  This book takes a careful look at that notion and presents some strong arguments to the contrary.)
My Stroke of Insight  A brain scientist’s Personal Journey  by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph. D.   (This is a fairly new book that was on the New York Times Bestseller list.  It walks you through a journey of the true experience of a brain scientists during and after her  stroke.  It is a gripping read and very enlightening into how our brain functions.)
A Mind at a Time  America’s Top Learning Expert Shows How every Child Can Succeed   By Mel Levine M. D.  (This groundbreaking book explores how different minds learn differently.  It helps get beyond the one-size-fits-all education that we tend to cling to.  He teaches us how different brains are wired differently and how parents and teachers can identify their strengths and weaknesses to help them reach their highest capabilities. )

            Feel free to borrow any of these books to read and enjoy.  I have personally read them all and recommend each one.  To check out one of these books, please sign up on the check out sheet in the classroom or e-mail me with the title of the desired book and I will send it home with your child.