Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Student School E-mail

         Students have an e-mail account here at school.  The account is to be used for school purposes only to communicate with each other about school work and to send computer work to their account that can be accessed at home.  We have practiced this at school so the kids should be familar with it. Below are directions to get onto the account from school or home.
Steps for accessing your E-mail account at school and home

1)     Get onto the internet
2)     Type in or go to our class web site and clink on the link.
3)     Type in your student username  (lwsd\s-dbaxter)
4)     Type in your password 
5)     Click on “New Mail”  box in the top left corner
6)     In the “To” field, type your own username followed by   (i.e.
7)     In the “subject” field, type a title for your e-mail (i.e. wolf research)
8)     Type a message in the big white field
9)     To send your work home, click on the “attachments” button.
10)                  Click on “Browse”.  This will allow you to find your document inside your computer.  Use the drop arrow in the “look in” field to find it.  It will most likely be inside “My computer” then inside the file with your name.  Double click on the document you want to attach to your e-mail.
11)                  Now you’re all ready.  Click on “SEND” and it is on it’s way to the same web page and to your e-mail in box.
12)                  At home, go through the exact same procedure.  The web page address will take you to the exact same location.  When you see an e-mail in your “In Box”, click on it to open.  Then click on the attached file to open it.  You can then work on your document at home save it on your home computer then e-mail it back to school the same way.